Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I keep meaning to update my blog, but things have been so busy that I end up putting it off. So, once again, a list -

Still no news from the embassy. If we haven't heard anything by the end of January, we're going to make our way to Ukraine. (Star and I can only stay in the Schengen region for 90 days out of 180, and we'd like to leave a little time just in case we get a call while we are in Kiev.)

I've stopped studying everything except Russian. Since over 50% of the population in Kiev speak only Russian at home, I figured this was probably a good time to study!

Star has finished her latest comic. Will work on scanning it soon.

Star has also been fascinated with cooking recently. We bought her a cookbook for Christmas, and she has cooked at least one meal a day since then.

Robin is working on a new play. His last play, Broken Holmes, is preparing for its upcoming run at the Leicester Comedy Festival.

I've discovered that my favorite snow is that just beneath a tree. It's the crunchiest.

The yarn here is the cheapest I've ever seen, it's cold and I have lots of spare time. So, I'm knitting a cowl neck scarf.

I have been eating paprikas like apples. Yum.

That's about all I can think of for now. Must sleep.


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