Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Six Stages of Sheep Trust

Having recently been surrounded by sheep, I have learned that there are six stages of trust that they exhibit. 

Stage One 
The sheep run away. No amount of quietly walking or friendly calling of "sheepy, sheepy, sheepy" will stop them.

Stage Two
The sheep *pretend* not to care that you are there. They demonstrate this to you by continuing to eat their food as if you aren't even there. You know that they are only pretending because they are sure to turn away from you first, giving you the sheep equivalent of the finger (a view of their ass).

Stage Three
The sheep *actually* don't care that you are there. The only difference is that they don't bother turning away first.

Stage Four
The sheep become mildly interested and stare at you with an intensity that in most other animals translates to "I want to eat your face".

Stage Five
The sheep are officially curious and will slowly take a few steps towards you. Only a few though.

Stage Six
The sheep are friendly and affectionate.

I was able to get as far as stage five with the local sheep in Killearn (which is definitely two-steps-forward-one-step-back), but I did witness stage six when they were with their human. One day, I am determined to make it there!

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